Are you thinking of using Time4Learning for Homeschool or After School learning?
I have tried this curriculum with 2 kids. Here are my thoughts regarding PreK materials.

[Update 2020 - We have been using Time4Learning since 2016, 1st Grade, 2nd Grade, and now 3rd Grade (for my 1st son) and PreK (2nd son). It has it's pro's and con's but all-it-all we like it. I think of it as a teaching tool and then I have my son do Reading Eggs and Math Seeds to practice. This is because I choose not to have him do the worksheets, quizzes, or tests in Time4Learning because Son 1 finds them frustrating. The practice in Reading Eggs and Math Seeds was way more fun for this early elementary age. And by the end of 2nd Grade he was testing at or above level. I find Time4Learning one of the better and more affordable all-in-one programs. With a few additional program supplements your child will be sailing ahead.]
Pros: It is well rated, includes multiple subjects that can be tailored to fit the child's needs and it's affordable.
I really liked that it is self-paced and I could adjust each subject by grade level and skills. Several programs I looked at and have tried can't do this including ABCmouse. For my 1st son, I was able to choose Math at a 1st-grade level and Language at a K level.
We used ABCmouse (which I love for Preschool/Pre-K), but I decided to try Time4Learning because my 1st son (and 2nd son) learned to guess through the ABC Mouse lessons. I wanted something that graded and checked his knowledge and understanding at the end of the lesson.
We ended up using ABC Mouse through Kindergarten with my 1st son. At the time, T4L did not have their new PreK program available (in 2016).
For my 2nd son, we switch to T4L Pre-K after completing ABC Mouse for Pre-K and some of their Kindergarten lessons. At this time in 2020, the Pre-K lessons in Time4Learning are new and updated to a more age appropriate format. He likes the lessons and activities. Unfortunately, I wish it was more regimented with a learning path. My 2nd son does better with a path and something to keep his lessons on track (Dad facilitates better this way too). The T4L lesson are very nice lessons though, and cover most material. I could see them working best for a very focused and self-motivated child.
Con: Tablet Apps Stinks. At a Pre-K and Kindergarten level, my boy's tablet skills were still new and the program was not friendly to selecting incorrect items on the screen, so they would easily get kicked out of the program. I would have to monitor what they were doing. My goal is to facilitate learning and not have to do every lesson with him.
[Update 2020: Their tablet program still stinks. It doesn't work correctly. We ended up getting a Chromebook touch screen for him to us with Time4Learning and it worked great.]
When I tried it again this year [1st son in 2015] at the beginning of 1st grade, he did much better with the app and understanding what it wanted him to do, but not all the activities worked on the tablet. He would lose momentum and interest when an activity didn't work. I would have to stop my work to set up the computer and log him back in. And he could no longer complete learning on the couch, in his room, or on the go. Flexibility is key for us and I believe it facilitates learning. Most children aren't meant to sit still in a chair all day.
Pros: We have been using Time-4-learning now for 4 years because it is self-paced, flexible, can be tailored to the student, is an all-in-one curriculum, and is affordable. Did I say affordable!
[Update 2020: Their tablet program still stinks. It doesn't work correctly. We ended up getting a Chromebook touch screen for him to us with Time4Learning and it worked great.]
When I tried it again this year [1st son in 2015] at the beginning of 1st grade, he did much better with the app and understanding what it wanted him to do, but not all the activities worked on the tablet. He would lose momentum and interest when an activity didn't work. I would have to stop my work to set up the computer and log him back in. And he could no longer complete learning on the couch, in his room, or on the go. Flexibility is key for us and I believe it facilitates learning. Most children aren't meant to sit still in a chair all day.
Pros: We have been using Time-4-learning now for 4 years because it is self-paced, flexible, can be tailored to the student, is an all-in-one curriculum, and is affordable. Did I say affordable!
All-in-all I like Time-4-learning. Some kids may need to wait until Kindergarten or 1st Grade before they will be ready to use this program. But, now that T4L has an updated Pre-K program, it is much more friendly for younger kids. Just make sure you use a computer or chromebook.
FYI - I have created a handbook to help parents create a learning plan using T4L and a few other products (some described in this article). If you are interested and would like help setting up a learning plan for your child, please check out my store - Sunny's Toolbox -
Other good reviews of curriculum can be found at:
If you would like help creating a detailed lesson plan for your child in Time4Learning, I would be happy to help you with this service. I try to keep my social media profile pretty private, but you can reach me through my Martial Arts School Website - Flying Tiger Martial Arts in GA or Facebook Page @FlyingTigerGA. Messages at these two locations go directly to me.
Want More Learning Ideas and Materials
Do you want more lesson plans, activity ideas, and more resources?
Please visit Sunny's Toolbox -
If you would like help creating a detailed lesson plan for your child in Time4Learning, I would be happy to help you with this service. I try to keep my social media profile pretty private, but you can reach me through my Martial Arts School Website - Flying Tiger Martial Arts in GA or Facebook Page @FlyingTigerGA. Messages at these two locations go directly to me.
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