I often wonder when my children get older how will I teach them to be better citizens and accepting of people who are different than themselves. How will I teach them to deal with tragedy, terrorism, and crime? In time, I hope I will figure a way to do this and teach them to be strong, smart, and healthy contributors to society without hate and discrimination in their hearts. I hope I will teach them to not be afraid to meet and get to know people who seem different so that they can understand the differences instead of fear it (or hate it). I will tell you that I already limit their association with those I describe below.
Today, my reaction to tragedy, crime, and terror is anger. I am angry at my family and friends, society, the media, and people of influence. I see hate as the common reason for many of these tragic events that have occurred locally and nationwide. I am angry with those who spread hate because their religion doesn't "believe" or "accept" someone's sexual orientation. I am mad at society for spreading hate of those different than you and I. I am mad at the person with road rage who almost killed a family member last month. Whoever it was, took their rage out on an innocent bystander. I am mad that people who complain that they are wrongly represented and portrayed by the media, and then turn around and wrongly represent others. I am angry that you think it is okay to make simple jokes about other religions, sexual orientation, political position, etc. When you do this, you are a bully, hater, spreader of hate, and a contributor to terrorism. It makes me angry that people I know do this without thinking. Stop the Hate!
Now, I know I am not perfect. I am sure many of you can think of a time when I have also done such things without thinking. But know, that I try to recognize this behavior in myself and better myself. Please recognize the behavior in yourself and don't just blindly follow your favorite political party, the leaders of your church, your friends, or your family. Just because they tease, bully, and spread hate, doesn't mean you should. I don't care if you agree or disagree with my beliefs or political opinions. I will try to respect yours, but please for the future of this country, my future, your future, and our children's future, please stop spreading the hate.
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